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Personal growth

I believe in the compound effect. How you live your day is how you really live your life. Make the small things count, and grow every day.
See my goalsetting methods

Share great things with the world

I am an entrepreneur to the bones, and I believe in providing value without expecting anything in return. This is the way to build things that matter.
See my businesses

Build from the inside out

I love being in my own company, and I spend a lot of time building and growing myself from the inside out, thinking, learning and searching.
See what inspires me

How we work




My core business philosophy is to build things that matter. And to build things that matter, you have to put value above all else. Businesses, and especially marketing efforts has to be human centered, which requires a lot of empathy, because it puts product and customers experience at the center of all, and money as a secondary.

I therefore believe that all businesses (and people) has to earn the right to be heard through giving – giving without expecting something in return. Because of this, you may find that many of the concepts I make are free.

The aim of this site is thus to provide an insight into what inspirations that lie behind this value-based approach, my career choices and how we can use this approach to excel at personal growth, learning and sharing.

Human empathy has been at the center of my professional training as a paramedic (ambulancebehandler), and I migrated into startups and businesses in 2016, focusing my energy on business development and marketing, reading and learning everything I could find – And I still do as of today. The most up-to-date and expert learnings of our time, is right in front of us all (books).

 I also share my interests, personal thoughts and sources of inspiration through this site.

Our mind has a tactical advantage over us. It knows our weaknesses, insecurities and thus, it tries to avoid them [...] We have to reprogram this to archive our goals.

- David Goggins

You attract what you are, not what you want. If you want to be admired, be admirable

How you live your day is how you live your life

Level Up goal tracking

Books I recommend
