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My elementary school teacher told me, that I would probably not succeed high school (gymnasiet). I barely did, and my career of choice was computer science. The bricks of life was laid (i thought), and then I met a paramedic.

A hard to get career choice, that gave me the possibility to combine my natural empathy with making a difference for people, and learning practical skills like being in controle, thinking fast and demanding & using authority.

What I did not know was what this type of job also offers. A new life perspective, pratical stoicism and appreciation of life and death is among some of the things that this type of occupation offers.

Due to the strong but short learning curve, I pursued growth elsewhere, though still maintaining my skills in the field. This led to building several SaaS businesses, including building an apps, writing a bestseller health & cooking book and following my passion for business growth and marketing.

My passion is with building stuff that people actually care about and want (is this marketing or not?), and building business with a true purpose.

Amazing Support

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan diam at nibh tempus, in semper nisi ullamcorper. Praesent sed gravida lacus. Suspendisse potenti.

Clean Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer accumsan diam at nibh tempus, in semper nisi ullamcorper. Praesent sed gravida lacus. Suspendisse potenti.